Academic programming
The Renton Prep experience is centered on the quality of its academics. Each student receives an education that is both rigorous and personalized to their own needs and skill levels. Our small class sizes and committed faculty members ensure that every student has the opportunity for meaningful participation in the learning process. Our goal is to instill in our children a love of learning and the skills they’ll need to excel in high school and beyond.

What Makes Our Curriculum Different
We use technology to enhance our curriculum and prepare our students for the future.
Accelerated Learning
Our rigorous accelerated program challenges our students to finish their education in just two years.
Our education is founded on Christian values meant to guide our students in establishing faith-based principles.
Our STEAM-focused approach helps nurture students’ abilities to explore their skills and boost critical thinking.
We’re Proud to be a Microsoft Showcase School
A Microsoft Showcase School is one of a select few educational institutions throughout the world that exemplify Microsoft’s ideals through ground-breaking approaches to education. Schools that qualify use cutting-edge technology to give their students an engaging, personalized education that promotes healthy cognitive growth and academic curiosity in their students.
A Staff of MIE Experts
The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program highlights educational pioneers who use technology to create a better learning experience for students and transform the education industry. We currently have two faculty members in our schools that have received this esteemed award: Dr. Michelle Zimmerman and Lauri Nichols.
Awards & Hoopla
The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program highlights educational pioneers who use technology to create a better learning experience for students and transform the education industry. We currently have two faculty members in our schools that have received this esteemed award: Dr. Michelle Zimmerman and Lauri Nichols.
Recent Awards
Renton Prep Wins Tech for Good Challenge 2022!
Renton Prep: A 2021-2022 Microsoft Showcase School
Renton Prep Christian School Receives Best of Renton Award!

Elementary School
Our elementary program serves Kindergarten Prep through 5th-grade students in Renton, Washington. We pride ourselves on providing an exceptional education for children where we emphasize on the importance of our school’s Christian values. This is instrumental for developing our students’ learning skills. Our curriculum involves real-world activities that engage our students in interactive work such as field trips and other engaging opportunities.
Age Guidelines
You will need to show a birth certificate for your child (or a similar document, such as a passport, that shows birthdate).
Kindergarten Prep
To enter Kindergarten Prep, your child must be 4 years old on or before August 31st of the year they wish to enter.
To enter Kindergarten, your child must be 5 years old on or before August 31st of the year they wish to enter.
1st Grade
To enter First Grade, your child must be 6 years old on or before August 31st of the year they wish to enter.
Our Core Beliefs
The Kindergarten Prep curriculum is aligned with state standards and is integrated across subject areas encouraging students to see connections
The Partnership for 21st Century skills framework and ISTE’s NETS for students and teachers guides the teaching and learning at our school
Students learn best when engaged in project-based and constructivist learning grounded in real world applications
Assessments and achievement levels are performance based
Learning should not be confined to classrooms and textbooks. Learning needs to expand beyond the classroom walls and reach all corners of the globe
A small learning community, including parents and students, best serves our Kindergarten Prep students. Parents can help their child best when kept fully informed on how he/she is progressing in school
Students are challenged with problems that develop student knowledge and skills while requiring them to be creative and innovative
All students need a caring adult who will know them well, guide their progress, and ensure their success
Kindergarten Prep Academics
Strong academics are the centerpiece of the Renton Prep experience. We have tailored our challenging yet personalized instruction to each student’s needs and abilities. Our dedicated teachers provide individual attention and classroom interaction in our small class settings, which optimizes mastery of both subject matter and the learning process. We aspire to create effective, curious, and resourceful students, providing in them a solid foundation of knowledge that will allow them to succeed in high school and college, as well as form a passion for life-long learning.
Dynamic, Collaborative Learning
We recognize the importance of fully engaging the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical qualities of each student. We create a dynamic, collaborative learning environment that thoughtfully integrates comprehensive Biblical teachings, mastery of Core Knowledge content, and fine arts experiences.
Early Childhood Curriculum and Assessment
Accelerated academic courses that are technology-enhanced and allow students to move at their own pace
Project-based 3D technology-enhanced learning opportunities with an accelerated curriculum that allows students to apply what they are learning in math and science class to real-life engineering and technology projects
Multiple offerings in music, art, and drama field trip experiences
Support services such as before- and after-school structured tutorial services, monitored study halls, and peer tutoring
Access to laptops as a necessary requirement for technological, cultural, and global literacy

Middle & High School
Renton Prep Christian School is located at the former Renton City Hall. Our school offers an elementary program, a 6th through 8th grade middle school program, and a challenging two-year accelerated high school program for 9th and 10th grade. Students enrolled in Renton Prep have chosen to prepare to enter Washington State’s Running Start program and plan to enter college at the beginning of their 11th grade in high school. Our 8th grade students are encouraged to enroll in as many 9th grade courses as they believe they are capable of successfully completing. The 8th graders who successfully complete 9th grade courses receive full high school credit.
Why Only Through 10th Grade?
Our program is intentionally designed for motivated students who have goals for their life and would like to achieve beyond advanced and honors courses as Juniors and Seniors in high school. Our program is designed to launch our 11th and 12th grade students into early college entry through a dual-enrollment program called Running Start.
For Washington residents, 11th and 12th grade students who test into placement at college level may enter the program. The program allows students to complete their high school diploma and simultaneously complete their first two years of college, with the ability to directly transfer into a university with Junior standing.
Our Philosophy
Renton Prep has adopted a micro-school philosophy and enrollment is limited. This allows for a master-apprentice relationship between our teachers and students. The smaller class setting is ideal for intensive individual feedback for advancement in technology and applicable learning outcomes.
Our Campus
Renton Prep is located in the seven-story building that once housed the Renton City Hall. The 200 Mill Avenue South building sits on the western bank of the Cedar River and is 82 steps away from the new state-of-the-art King County Library. Renton’s Liberty Park, with its two baseball fields, tennis and basketball courts, and skateboard park, is 300 steps away from the school building. Less than 500 steps away is the Renton Community Center with its two full size gymnasiums, dance studio, handball and volleyball courts, exercise and weight room, Carco Theater Performing Arts Center, and the Henry Moses Aquatic Center outdoor swimming pool. A 24-mile asphalt paved running, walking and biking trail is adjacent to the school. Renton Prep students have access to and use these facilities.
Renton Prep Activities
Extracurricular Activities
Field Trips
Renton Prep Academics
Renton Prep is the first K-12 school in Washington State to earn AdvancED STEM Certification. Our school has adopted a world class curriculum with multiple levels of college preparatory courses aligned with students’ interests and skills. We offer courses across multiple disciplines including numerous electives. Renton Prep’s 2016 “Award of Excellence, Digital Curriculum and Content Strategy” and “ The 2016 Future of Education Technology Conference STEM Excellence Award” identified our school as being one of the top 3 STEM Middle School programs in the nation. Our curriculum uses a blended learning approach with research-driven designs, compelling interactivity, ease-of-use, and integrated blending of books, hands-on materials, and online component. Our students have access to courses from over 50 universities including Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Duke, Stanford, and University of Washington.
The school year is organized into 2 semesters and uses variable scheduling. We expect all students to carry a minimum of 6 required classes per year (though most students carry 7-8 classes with electives). In addition to accelerated academic programs, the day includes electives, physical education, and supervised independent study.
Technology at the Forefront
We integrate all learning with the application of enhanced technology skills. We believe the use of technology is an essential component of a complete education and a necessary requirement for technological, cultural, and global literacy.
At the beginning of each school year students purchase their own Microsoft Surface.The Microsoft Surface is the primary digital tool used to access data for research, creative design, and study. Our blended learning environment is designed with the flexibility of collaborative Microsoft work spaces.
+ Before and After School Care
Renton Prep Extended School Care Program Policies and Procedures
Contact Number for Extended Care Programs: (206) 723-5526
Before School Care Hours (All students): 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
After School Care Hours (All students): 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Charges: $0.10/min, or $6.00/hr
The goal of the Extended Care Program is to provide a safe environment for students during the hours before and after school while parents are at work. This program is dependent upon adequate enrollment to pay associated costs and therefore may not be available at all times. Parents will be notified if this should occur. When offered, it is open to any student attending RPCS in the mornings and afternoons for Kindergarten-Prep through Eighth grade. The Extended Care program is conducted on a drop-in basis and no special enrollment is necessary. All charges are accrued over a one month period from the first of the month until the end and will be added to the student’s TEP account for payment by the following tuition due date (15th). June extended care charges will be due no later than the Monday following the last day of school. Students may not attend the extended care program unless all fees are paid when due.
Late Pick-Up Fees
The Extended Care program hours are expected to be abided by at all times. Parents are responsible for arriving in a timely manner to pick-up their students each day. If a parent should become aware that they will be arriving late they must call the school to notify the childcare provider. Late pick-up fees will apply. ALL students picked up after designated pick up time will be charged an additional $100.00 fee for any fraction of the first half hour and $50.00 for any fraction of each half hour thereafter.
Automatic Drop-In Status
Students in Kinder-Prep through 8th grade arriving more than 15 minutes prior to the classroom doors opening (8:30 a.m.) will be checked-in to before school care and parents will be charged for this service. Students are not to loiter on campus or wait in the front lobby before 8:15 a.m.
Campus dismissal occurs between 3:30-3:45 p.m. each day. Students in Kinder-Prep through 8th grade remaining on campus after the dismissal period will be checked-in to the after school care and parents will be charged for this service.
Parents/guardians or approved pick-up individuals must come inside to personally check-out their student from after school care. Students leaving must have their barcode scanned to be properly checked out. Once picked up, students may not continue to join after school care for any reason.
+ Financial Aid
Financial Aid Process
We partner with School and Student Services (SSS) in our financial aid process.
The deadline for applications to be received is April 16, 2023.
To begin your financial aid application, please review the following information:
Renton Prep Financial Aid Application Steps
All completed applications for new students are reviewed after the student application has been received and the student has been approved for enrollment. We will communicate our financial aid decision to you. To make our decision, we use the information from the PFS as a starting point but also consider our school policy, practices, and available budget.
Financial Aid Merit Clause
The Renton Prep Christian School merit clause is in place to confirm to the leadership team, students, administration, faculty, staff, and external vendors that our student body represents the principles and values in the mission, vision, and action of our schools. A student or family can not disrupt the educational process (when receiving financial aid).
Renton Prep Christian Schools’ mission is to offer a secure environment in a technology enabled Christ-Centered School where students learn to use their voice to contribute solutions to the challenges of our global community. As a financial aid recipient this mission is expected for students and their families attending Renton Prep.
Likewise, the vision of Renton Prep Christian School is to inspire a passion for harnessing emerging technology for teaching, learning, critical thinking, and sharing the hope of becoming responsible and productive citizens, whose legacy will leave the world a better place. As a financial aid recipient this mission is expected for students and their families attending Renton Prep.
Lastly, the action of Renton Prep Christian School is to provide a well rounded; technology enabled Christian education. As a financial aid recipient this mission is expected for students and their families attending Renton Prep.
Financial Aid Repealed
If the mission, vision, and action (listed above) are not followed, financial aid can be repealed. A student or family cannot disrupt the educational process (when receiving financial aid). The decision will be made by the leadership team if the family is no longer eligible for financial aid. An email will be sent stating the repeal and when the repeal will take place. An appeal can be made, but it is still up to the decision of the leadership team to decide if financial aid will be reinstated.